The Story of Lord Ganesha
Photo by Mohnish Landge on Unsplash

Lord Ganesha, also known as Lord Vinayaka or Ganapati, is one of the most worshipped deities in Hindu mythology. He is revered as the remover of obstacles and the god of wisdom and intellect. The story of Lord Ganesha’s birth is both fascinating and inspiring.

According to the ancient Hindu scriptures, Goddess Parvati, the divine consort of Lord Shiva, desired to have a child. She created Ganesha out of the sandalwood paste she used for bathing and brought him to life. She then assigned Ganesha the task of guarding the entrance to her chamber.

One day, when Lord Shiva returned to see Parvati, Ganesha stopped him from entering. Not recognizing Ganesha as his son, Lord Shiva was furious and engaged in a fierce battle with him. During the fight, Lord Shiva’s trident struck Ganesha’s head, severing it instantly.

Upon realizing his grave mistake, Lord Shiva became filled with remorse. To console his grieving wife, he promised to bring Ganesha back to life. He instructed his followers to bring him the head of the first living being they came across. It happened to be an elephant, and Lord Shiva affixed the elephant’s head onto Ganesha’s body, bringing him back to life.

From that day forward, Lord Ganesha became a revered deity and was bestowed with various divine qualities. He is often depicted with an elephant head, a potbelly, and four arms. His broken tusk symbolizes sacrifice, while his large ears signify his ability to listen to the prayers of his devotees.